Build a solid foundation for your personal recovery. 

We are your premier woman's sober living residence located near downtown West Palm Beach.

Your Aftercare Journey Begins Here

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you or a loved one need a SAFE place to recover? We can help.

Speak with a recovery consultant who has been in your shoes and can help you determine if A Design for Living is right for you.

12-Step Support

What to expect once you have been accepted into our program

Apply to be a resident at A Design for Living

Start your aftercare journey today

Enjoy Freedom from Addiction

Get back the life you deserve and take the first step

Client Testimonials

"Tara, if you ever opened a halfway house you would be the best....not like business best or statistic best, but like the best version of you, so that other woman could be the best versions of themselves. I really hope you pursue your dreams, change the community for the people that need it and want it. For the women that need it and have been waiting for a woman like you to come into their life to give them hope and allow a space for them to pursue their own dreams. You're an inspiration to me. I trust you and if I can trust a person after some of my circumstances, I can't wait to see other women step into that light. You really are an amazing human being, I believe in you and hope to be like you when I grow up. You a real one." 

— J.D., Client

"The community really needs a solid sober women's recovery house like A Design for Living, I finally now have somewhere to refer people I care about."

— G.G., Clinical Director

Interested in learning more about sober living and recovery residences in Florida?

A Design for Living is committed to your education on sober living and before you enter our West Palm recovery community.  We want to make sure it is right for you or to provide you with an appropriate referral to another program.

© 2018 A Design for Living Recovery Residence. All Rights Reserved.